Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Day To Create A Cleaner Environment

I learn that we have suffered a lot with out oil and now we should use less oil so the oil crisis won’ happen again. The people depend on oil too much we should use other things that can help us cook a meal. Imagine the people a world with out oil again. What are the people are going to eat? How will people go from one place to another? The people should start to ride a bike or if the place you are trying to reach is close I think he or she should just walk to the place. The community should carpool so the less gasoline can get wasted. The government should make some car that does not use gasoline to the people who own businesses so they can save the oil crisis. I think that the people should get motivated to recycle, save energy, and give clothes away so the oil crisis would not be as before. The people should watch television in one place because I seen some people that use three televisions to watch the same channel. The government should make some commercial tell the people why it is good to recycle and it benefits them. I will not go to my old habits because I know that we keep wasting the oil we will run out of oil really quick.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Affected by the Oil

Why should the environment get affected because of the oil spill? The oil spill has affect me because the oil does not let the animals live. The oil is affecting the environment. The ocean has been contaminated just because the “BP” could not handle the situation. In order for the environment could get better the oil need to be absorbed from the water. The animals are dying everyday and the people can not stop the oil from spreading. Do you think that we should shut down the factory and fix the environment? The people who have a business and sell fish are going to be affected. People have already lost their jobs because of the explosion. 200,000 gallons of oil are spilled in to the ocean everyday and that is not good for the environment.

SOURCE: Supply line direct

Suffering Because Of Oil

Some of the business that has been close because of the oil shortage is MTA, Taxis, Police, Firefighters, NASCAR, Airlines, etc. because California wants to stay with some oil. Most of the people who work with companies that need gasoline have lost their job. One of the ways that I will try to sustain is by looking for a job that does not need gasoline to operate. Well the thing that I know is that most of the jobs need gasoline because they either need gasoline to be operating or maybe they need gasoline to make their product. I will get from one place to another by walking or riding a bike because they don’t need gasoline to run but the parts do need gasoline so I do not know what will I do when my bike breaks down. The people will not have a job and they will not be able to pay for soda chips or other luxury products because they will not have enough money to even buy a bottle of water.

SOURCE: Patdollard

Thursday, April 29, 2010


I did not know that the people are having a hard time finding oranges at a local grocery market. Also that some of the food item that are at a local grocery store do not only come from California but other states and countries. I did not know that the banana have a long way to get to California because most of the banana comes from Guatemala. Most of the fruit is packed in California and sometimes its ship to other countries or states. In order for groceries to get from one place to another they need to waste gasoline. World Without Oil will not be able to get to the grocery store's.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Icelandic Volcanic Ash

4,000 flights have been cancel from or to UK and the European countries and still flights are being canceled. Most of the airports are close and they are going to maintain close until the ash does not interfere with the aircraft's. At the time the volcano is still spewing ash. The ash can affect the aircraft engine.

At about 600,000 people have been affected because of the ash of the volcano. People who have lung affects should keep taking their medication for precautionary measure. The British Airways are refunding or an option to rebook their date to travel.

The British sports team are traveling by ground.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Demand and Supply

Demand is how the people decides to waste their money. Also in what they are willing to waste the money on.

Supply is how much product he or she need and at what price they need to be sold. Its more like a store they need to buy some products and the products need to be sold at some price so they can have some profit in order to stay in business.

The most interesting thing about the oil quiz was that I did not know who was the largest state with gasoline. I did not know a lot of the thing that the quiz ask like who were the best oil producers in 2005. The largest oil producers were Saudi Arabia, Iran, US, Mexico, Norway, and Venezuela but in the year 2006 this country went down in oil production.


Friday, April 23, 2010

Use of Oil

I realize today that 45 % of the fuel is use in the US goes to gasoline. 180 million gallons are wasted in one day in the US. I have learn that plastic use oil to be made. Synthetic rubber is use for shoes and to make tires for the cars. Also most of the things we use need oil to work.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Life Without Motor Oil

I was at my house but when I tried to turn on my car, the car did not start. The Car needed motor oil. I went running to the store and I found out that the Motor Oil was not being made no more. When I came back from the store my car was smelling weired. Would you like to drive or walk? How will people get to places faster now that motor oil does not exists.